It is very well structured and covers all aspects of Nursing Fundamentals course. Rationals are very well written too.
This book really helped me successfully pass all tests. In fact, a lot of exam questions were taken from this book.
Product Description
Here are the techniques nursing students need to develop, apply, and refine their reasoning skills and gain the confidence needed to pass exams. With more than 1,475 classroom-tested, NCLEX-style questions that cover an entire nursing fundamentals course, this book provides a blueprint for applying critical thinking skills to answering the test questions that students will encounter throughout their nursing education. Extensive field testing with students and faculty ensures that all of the questions provide the information and test-taking experience students need to succeed. BONUS! New CD-ROM with two 75-question final exams.
100-question final exam, with answers and comprehensive rationales.
Completely revised and up-to-date to reflect the latest medical technology, practice guidelines, and standards of nursing practice.
100 new format questions in a single chapter multiple response, fill-in-the blank, hot spot drag and drop/ordered response items, and exhibit items that require a response to picture, chart, graph or table.
100 additional new format questions spread across 24 content areas.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Fundamentals Success: A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking, Second edition (Davis's Success) (Paperback)
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