
Review of How to Get the Financing for Your New Small Business: Innovative Solutions from the Experts Who Do It Every Day (Paperback)

While this book does contain a lot of useful information for the new small-business owner, it's also an overview of how to obtain financing throughout the life of a small business.However, this book cannot cover everything you'll need to know -- there are too many variables that depend on your location and line of business.State and national regulations dealing with money change all the time, and the bottom line is that you'll need to consult (at the bare minimum) a lawyer and an accountant experienced in your line of business.The author doesn't hide this at all -- throughout the book, Ms. Fullen cautions the reader to obtain professional advice.So why purchase this book?This book is a great introductory course on small-business financing, a way of helping you understand the great range of financial options available to you.Compare the price of this book to a lawyer's hourly rate:do you really want to pay your lawyer to explain the same information to you?Or do you want to walk into a bank or financial advisor's office knowing the facts?Following the information in this book, you'll be prepared to make an informed decision when it comes to financing your small business.This book may not give you the final answer on what kind of financing you need (no book can), but it's a great way to start!

Product Description
This new book will provide you with a road map to securing the financing. The book goes into traditional financing methods and assists the reader in setting up proper financial statements and a proper business plan. It details the differences between debt and equity financing and how and why to use each. Valuation techniques are explained for determining what your business is truly worth. However, the book's real strength is in explaining alternative and creative methods of financing, such as SBA financing, investor angels, IPOs, limited public offerings and venture capital. Essential resources for finding the detailed information you need are included throughout.

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