
Review of The Self-Promoting Musician (Music Business) (Paperback)

Back in my Berklee days I attended a course with Peter entitled"Entrepreneurship" which opened my eyes to issues regarding bothmaking music and doing business. It taught me that neither of these areascan exist without the other. I am still using the material and resourcesPeter handed out on this course and I am very excited that all thisinformation and a lot more is now available in this excellent book.

Aquick look through the pages gives you an impression of its well-organisedstructure and the incredible amount of resources that it contains. The bookgives you an in-depth yet easily accessible look at the music industry,business planning, copyright, PR, demo production, gigs, media, radiostations, etc..... really, all you need!

As the Internet is about tochange the entire music industry I am pleased that Peter devotes an entiresection to this medium and how musicians use it for promotion. This isunderlined by the most helpful list of books, magazines, associations andweb sites I have come across.

Go, get it!

Product Description
Take charge of your career with these do-it-yourself strategies for independent music success! Peter Spellman, the Director of the Career Development Center at Berklee, gives tips on how to: write a business plan, create press kits, use the Internet to boost your career, customize your demos for maximum exposure, get better gigs and airplay, network successfully, and create the industry buzz you need to succeed. A must-read for every aspiring musician!

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