
Review of Systems Architecting of Organizations: Why Eagles Can't Swim (Systems Engineering Series) (Hardcover)

Systems architecting has been shown in two earlier books not only to exist but to be key to successful systems and product lines. Fellow executives asked for a comparable book addressing organizations as systems, which theyclearly are, and especially for applicable insights for dealing with thenonquantifiable issues confronting both executives and professionals in adrastically changed international and technological world. Goodorganizations were failing, disappearing, being merged, consolidating orexpanding, succeeding or failing -- for reasons they couldn't fathom.Thebook shows what,why, how, and when, folowed by insights on how to deal withthem. It represents the technical management experience of seven, nowretired, chief executives representing 15 major organizations, public andprivate, military and commercial. To the author's, publisher's andassociates' knowledge it is as unprecedented as the dilemmas now faced byexecutives and professionals today.

Product Description
The most difficult questions facing organizations today do not have scientifically or mathematically provable solutions. Many answers that do exist depend upon time and circumstance. Systems Architecting of Organizations: Why Eagles Can't Swim tackles a very difficult dilemma: how do even highly respected organizations maintain their vaunted excellence, accommodate the new world of global communications, transportation, economics and multinational security, and still survive against stiff competition already in place? As they are finding out, depending upon the circumstances, the demands of excellence on the one hand, and of change on the other, can be cruelly irreconcilable. This book does not just describe business strengths and weaknesses. First, it identifies potential weaknesses, then offers guidelines and insights to address them. Its approach is architectural and heuristic. Second, this book is about maintaining success in a dynamic world, not about achieving it in a static one; few are clear on what to do and not to do in the face of major change. Systems Architecting of Organizations: Why Eagles Can't Swim helps professionals gain new perspectives when reviewing their own organizations and to see problems and opportunities previously not apparent. Features

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