
Review of Microsoft C# Professional Projects (Paperback)

I purchased this book because I learn best by following examples based on real, useful projects.I have completed project 1 and thus far have these observations:

1)Though "validating data" is stressed, the example code does a very poor job of doing so.

2)The authors seem to forget what they need in their example forms.For example, the CustomerForm in project 1 is supposed to be able to add and edit records contained in a customer table.However, they authors forgot to create a way to add the record!

3)Some of the information is presented out of sequence and thus causes a great deal of confusion.For example, chapter 9 is on Validations and Exception Handling.It looks like this information was once part of chapter 10 and the authors decided that they should discuss validation first.However, it appears that they forgot to rewrite the material so that it would make sense in its new context!I found myself flipping back and forth between the two capters in order to finish the project.

4)Even with these problems, the book would still be useful if an online errata existed.However, I have not been able to locate one on the Website provided.

5)Project 1 presents an inconsistent interface.Each of the forms in the project has a similar purpose but entirely different interfaces and controls.I believe the authors did this in order to show the reader that there are different ways to use .NET Studio to do the job, but I do not recall that this was actually mentioned in the text.All I can say is do not use the projects in this book as models for good interface design.

I have been a programmer for almost three decades and I am already knowledgeable in Java, C++ and Visual Basic, so I am still able to use this book as a tutorial to learn the features of C# and the .NET programming interface.Since this book was still useful in that respect, I have given it 2 Stars instead of 1.However, if you are new to object oriented programming or new to programming in general, please give this book a skip.

Product Description
Incorporating six hands-on projects, Microsoft C# Professional Projects is your key to unlocking the power of C#. Each project builds upon the last and is based on a real-world situation. Enhance your C# skills as you create a customer maintenance system, an employee record system, a Web portal, and an airline reservation portal. You will be able to use the skills that you develop throughout the book to modify the projects as needed to fit your professional needs.

About the Author
Geetanjali Arora is an instructional designer who has worked with the NIIT for almost two years.She has done several projects with the NIIT that include instructor-led training (ILT), computer-based training (CBT), and Web-based training (WBT).She has written on both technical and non-technical subjects.At the NIIT, Geetanjali's responsibilities include scripting, construction, planning, and scheduling.She has also provided training on NexGen and Dreamweaver.

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