InPart 1 Bodian clariifes what meditation is (and isn't) and offers a numberof compelling reasons to adopt this "advanced technology for the mindand heart." He also traces the historical roots of meditation anddescribes the important foundations of motivation, attitude, and beginner'smind, which ensure a fruitful practice. "Ultimately, the greatmeditation teachers advise that the best attitude to take toward meditationis an open mind, completely free from all preconceptions andexpectations," Bodian explains. "One of my first meditationteachers, Zen master Shunryu Suzuki, calls this beginner's mind -- and hecounsels that the goal of meditation is not to accumulate knowledge, learnsomething new, or achieve some special state of mind, but simply tomaintain this fresh, uncluttered perspective."
In Part 2, the authorcovers the basics of meditation practice, including pointers on posture andpreparing for meditation, as well as a chapter on opening the heart andcultivating compassion. In Part 3, entitled "Trouble-shooting andFine-tuning," he offer sage advice on developing the rightrelationship with troubling thoughts, feelings and sensations. Thehighlight of this section is a chapter on cultivating spirituality thatexplores the nature of self (or no-self), traditional paths of awakening,and the sensitive subject of finding a teacher (inner and outer), which theauthor recommends if one wishes to go more deeply into the practice. Thebook concludes with chapters on how to nurture self-awareness while engagedin daily life and on how to use meditation for healing and performanceenhancement, followed by answers to ten commonly asked questions aboutmeditation.
Despite its one-size-fits-all title, Meditation For Dummiesis the best book on meditation I've read -- at once subtle andcomprehensive, spiritually sensitive yet pragmatic. Be prepared for aneasy-to-read, good-humored, and discerning guide on the journey ofdiscovering your true nature through the ancient but timely art ofmeditation.
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