
Review of The One Page Business Plan for the Creative Entrepreneur (Paperback)

I had seen this book around but hadn't purchased because I didn't think aone-page business plan, even if possible, could be of any practicaluse.

I have been involved in several successful startups and have done afair bit of business planning. I had even won prestigious awards for it.Currently I am involved in another startup, Worldlingo.com, an internetstartup focused on language translation.

So what changed my mind - whydid I purchase it?

I saw the author speak and he made a lot of sense, soI thought I had better get his book and check it out once and for all. Ifhalf of what he said was right - this one page business plan was going tobe a big help.

It so happened I had a long 14 hour flight in front of meand took the book along to read. Its friendly style, graphics, and plaingood sense (frankly the book is more like a kids coloring book then atraditional business planning book) enticed me to do the exercises as Iwent (which I never usually do). Answering the questions for my businessand me.

Not only had I finished the book by the end of the flight, but Ialso had time to type up the final product on my laptop. I guess havingalready done a full blown traditional business plan for the businesshelped.

I have to say I was feeling pretty pleased with what I hadproduced. I felt more focused and had a much clearer picture of what themost important things were that needed to be achieved next.

But the mostthrilling part was when I tabled it our staff meeting - they loved it. Theycould clearly see where we were heading, what we had to achieve, and itgave them a clear framework in which they could make the many decisionsthey have to make everyday.

The language translation business has beenaround for centuries, but the opportunities for it on the internet arechanging and evolving very fast. This one page business plan is easy andquick to update, and the staff can quickly understand any refinements toour goals.

But actions speak louder than words, since I have purchasedanother 10 copies to give away to my product managers (so they can do aplan for their products) and the CEOs of other businesses I am involvedin.

I think the one page business plan is a great management tool thatwill have a very positive effect on our business. I am already seeing thebenefits.

I guess the joke was on me.

Product Description
The Fastest, Easiest Way to Write a Business Plan

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1 comment:

  1. Great review! I am a One Page Business Plan consultantand find that the more sophisticated a client is (in terms of having done business plans previously) the more they tend to quickly grasp the elegance and utility of the One Page Plan. The online version adds a whole additional dimension of function, utility and elegance when you apply it to an organization. Take a look at that too....
