
Review of C++ for Dummies (Paperback)

I've been looking for just the right introduction to programming for some time. I've spent more than a dozen hours combing through the shelves in my local Borders and B&N, skimming over 50 so-called"introductory" texts, looking for one that I could really learnfrom. By way of background, I am an advanced computer user/tinkerer, butI'm completely inexperienced in the field of programming -- never so muchas typed a lick of code.

In reviewing other books, I didn't want to startwith a book about C, because conventional wisdom says that it's a bad ideato start with C (a procedural language) if you plan to use it to jumpstarta study of C++ or java (hybrid OOP languages). I also didn't want to startwith a book on QBasic, because it seems to me that the language is prettymuch obsolete. For me, I wanted to learn OOP, and that meant a commitmentto C++ and/or java (preferably both, as each has its strengths andweaknesses, and they are similar and popular enough to studytogether).

That said, I looked at somewhat advanced introductory books byDeitel, Savitch, and Horton, all of which are extremely well-reviewed hereon Amazon. I also looked at several books from Microsoft Press, as Iplanned on learning by using components of the Visual Studio. Horton'sBeginning C++ came close, but its massive size and more advanced approachleft me looking for a different introductory text (I plan on returning toHorton's book though, to supplement what I learn from Mr. Davis'book).

Finally, this new edition of C++ for Dummies came out just intime. This book really hits the mark on many levels: (1) it assumes noknowledge of programming; (2) it does a great job of explaining trulycomplex topics without going overboard or hitting you over the head; (3) itis clear and entertaining; and (4) it is new and compliant with the lateststandards, which is more than I can say for books written, say, pre-1998.

Do yourself a favor -- if you have no programming experience and want tolearn a cutting edge OOP language like C++ or java, start here, then usethat knowledge to branch out to more advanced material. Personally, I'msupplementing this reading with Horton's Beginning C++ and Beginning Java 2(JDK 1.3 Version), and Bruce Eckel's highly praised Thinking inJava.

Good luck!

Product Description
* This revision of the bestseller covers the popular object-oriented programming language C++ from the ground up, enabling beginners to become functional programmers and intermediate programmers to fine-tune their skills
* Thirty percent new material includes updates on the most recent ANSI standard, the new public domain C++ compiler, standards information on namespaces, new library functions, and complete coverage of the standard template library
* Covers topics like building and debugging C++ programs, creating source code, using the Visual C++ help system, building objects, learning the standard template library, and much more
* The CD-ROM contains all the code from the book, in addition to an updated GNU-C++ and a new C++ compiler

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