
Review of Excel Data Analysis: Your Visual Blueprint for Analyzing Data, Charts, and PivotTables, 2nd Edition (Visual Blueprint) (Paperback)

First of all I have to confess that this book was acquired under the conditions that I probably know 90% of the materials covered in the book. Thus my interest is in the 10% I am not aware of and the other 10% if there are alternative ways to solve problems better than I am doing now.

In this regards, I am satisfied. However if you are looking for learning simple "how-to"s like conditional formula, creating a chart, you would be disappointed since this book covers too much depth for beginners and it becomes easy to get lost in the sea of information.

Product Description
Excel is a spreadsheet / data analysis tool attached to the Microsoft Office suite and is available in all Office offerings. Office holds 80-90% of the market share for productivity suites. Though many consumers know the basics of using Excel, they may not know the full power of the program. With Excel, you can harness the power of your data, manipulate it to suit your needs, and achieve more by doing less work. Charts are interactive, allowing the consumer to tweak results with the click of a mouse. Pivot tables allow you to fuse data from several sources into one document. Excel has an enhanced Find function, allowing users to easily search entire workbooks, and search worksheets by cell format. Excel supports XML as a file format for easy importing or exporting of XML data. Excel also includes enhancements for saving files as Web pages, and enhancements to Pivot Tables.

From the Back Cover
Excel Data Analysis 2nd Edition

Welcome to the only guidebook series that takes a visual approach to professional-level computer topics. Open the book and you'll discover step-by-step screen shots that demonstrate over 100 key Excel data analysis techniques, including:

  • Creating PivotTables and PivotCharts
  • Importing and linking data
  • Compiling data from various sources
  • Filtering a list
  • Creating an amortization table
  • Manipulating data within a chart
  • Editing external database tables
  • Using an Excel function in a macro
  • Building PivotTable formulas
  • Using Analysis Toolpak add-ins
  • High-resolution screen shots demonstrate each task
  • Succinct explanations walk you through step by step
  • Two-page lessons break big topics into bite-sized modules
  • "Apply It" and "Extra" sidebars highlight useful tips

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