MP3 has become hot news! Websites have opened up for businessand offer the latest files, players and programs are being produced, thenumber of court cases involving copyright infringement are on the rise, onelocal university has blocked student access to one file distribution sitedue to bandwidth problems, and yes, some books have been written on thesubject.
MP3 for Dummies provides detailed information about buying,downloading, creating, sharing, and selling MP3 files. Readers will learnabout a number of places where they can buy and download MP3 files andwhere they can have customized CD's created for distribution. Readers alsohave the opportunity to create their own CD's provided that they have theright equipment to do so.
Speaking of equipment, readers will learnabout the latest and the best MP3 players and storage devices on themarket. Furthermore, they will be able to choose and use portable MP3players and learn how to hook them up to home, office, and car stereoequipment for easy listening!
Other helpful information in the bookincludes the debunking of certain MP3 copyright and piracy myths, choosingand using MP3 utilities, finding Websites that distribute MP3 files,learning how to compose your own kind of music, and a variety of tips. Theaccompanying CD contains Windows, Linux, and Mac shareware versions ofpopular MP3 players, a bunch of MP3 sample tunes, and live links toWebsites that distribute MP3 files!
The information in this book isfirst-rate! The cartoons, humor, and wit are great too! Readers will learnto experience the cool sounds of MP3 and chuckle at the same time! The bookwill also contribute to their better understanding and appreciation for Webdevelopment and computer technology. This is a great beginner book for theMP3 community!
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