
Review of Branding in Asia: The Creation, Development, and Management of Asian Brands for the Global Market (Paperback)

My expectations were mainly about redressing the balance on geographical origins of brand case studies. Our literature suffers from being far too US centric. This imbalance is unfortunate for several reasons including: - living in the US for the last 2 years has taught me how atypical the USconsumer is of any other I have met in 25 countries that I have worked-from the oldest brand models (which assumed brands were advertising led) tothe newest ebrand models, there's huge share of voice reflectingtheculture of corporate America and the case theories of its business schools.These powerful systems shouldn't be unquestioningly exported as being defacto paradigms for local organisational excellence or social value.

Myexpectations were exceeded because this book - unlike most on the brandwhich start with chapters on advertising and marketing communications -opens up from the very beginning on the leadership importance of branding.Here we are on pages 1-2: "Strong brands endure many challenges. This isbecoming increasingly relevant in an era of unprecedented change, upheavaland uncertainty. This change is strategic, unlike the incremental change ofmore predictable times, and therefore requires a strategic response. Brandbuilding is exactly such a response. If successful, it can be the strongestweapon in a company's armory and the best guarantee of corporate survival.The challenge that lies ahead is that of change management.

And by page4, we're invited to join in a cataloguing of worldwide changes tomarketing: -the breakdown of market boundaries -globalization and thedevelopment of global brands -increasing market fragmentation -productdiversity and shorter life cycles -greater customer sophistication -digitalbusiness -economic instability and market volatility

So this book flies,and yet at the same time when you read it you will continually pick upuseful advice whether your brain is looking for practical or academicstimulation. For example, the book closes with an appendix of veryworthwhile brand exercises, and it resonates with case studies, 24 in all.Each case study ends with a summary of that brand's strengths.

This bookwill be good for you whether this is the first one you read on branding, oras in my case the twenty first, including two of my own. For example, Ilearnt a lot from Temporal's consistently strong advice on brand values andthe way they shape corporate personality on its outside and inside.

Product Description
"Paul Temporal shows how the fundamental principles of brand building are transferable to the Asian environment. A diverse collection of Asian caselets should convince us that the 21st century will see the emergence of more Asian regional and global megabrands." Professor John A Quelch Dean London Business School "Branding in Asia addresses an unusual situation in Asia - how is it that a region which has such high brand appreciation, produces few international brands of its own? The author's analysis of actual case studies, ranging from powerful global brands to local companies, illustrates his points clearly. This, coupled with a sensitive understanding of the cultural differences in the region makes it an excellent reference for everyone working with brands." Felix Herrnberger President BMW Asia Pte Ltd "Paul Temporal succinctly dissects the often mystical qualities that make up a successful brand. Too often Western insights, models and case studies are applied arbitrarily across the globe, it is so refreshing to see branding tackled from a purely Asian perspective. An invaluable reference book and eminently readable, the step-by-step style and volume of relevant cases and examples makes this a must have for any manager in Asia looking to embark on creating his own regional or global brand." Ray Dempsey Area manager McCann-Erickson South East Asia

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