
Review of Great Talk Outlines for Youth Ministry (Paperback)

Sorry to disagree with the others, but I found this book to be very helpful. I agree that a skilled youth worker can come up with many talks on their own. However, there are times when I have a block, or I just don't hear from God and I need some ideas.I have used some of these talks and the kids love them. (I actually got feedback from them- weird huh?). Also, if I am developing a talk on a similar subject I might use one of the skits, a movie clip, or an illustration from a similar talk in the book. I really like the CD outlines that come with it because you can totally tweak it to fit your group and your talk. I've gotten a lot of use out this book and I hate to see it maligned. I've been in youth ministry for over 10 yrs now, and I've written a more then a few talks.I've also seen lots of books- some good, lots bad.The truth is, this book really can be quite helpful when you are in a pinch.

Product Description
This outstanding resource contains 40 outlines for individual youth talks and contains suggestions for bringing talks and youth sermons to life--illustrations, object lessons, video clip suggestions, music suggestions and more.

From the Back Cover
An essential speaking tool for youth workers

These 40 outlines for youth talks--written by veteran youth leaders--are just the beginning. Youth pastors, volunteer youth leaders, camp directors and counselors, and retreat leaders will also find suggestions for bringing talks to life--with illustrations, object lessons, video clips, music, and more. Each outline is followed by dozens of questions for use in small groups--to ensure that your words are heard, processed, and applied.

Features include:* Sidebars for every main point which contain key illustrations, object lessons, and video or music clip suggestions* Dozens of small group discussion questions for middle and high schoolers* Fully indexed by contributor, topic, and Scripture* All of the outlines are compiled onto a companion CD-ROM in Microsoft Word® format

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